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Poor Internet

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2024 4:18 pm
by Beelady
Today is a rare day. The internet seems to be working! I've been fighting with it for about 6 weeks. No banking, no hospital visits, no posting pictures on FB. No emails and definitely no shopping online.
On 3rd July I will be properly connected and hopefully all these things will work properly again.
Meanwhile, I think I've finally killed the Fusion and have slashed a nearly new rear tyre on the Bonneville. I also fell off it on a very steep hill in the Cotswolds last week when I couldn't get a foot down. I can confirm that it's VERY heavy bike.
It only took two men to haul it upright, but it tried to pull them both downhill and eventually it took four of them to push it back to the junction. So much for buying a bike so that I could get both feet flat. Anyway, the crash bars did their job and although I got a bit squashed, it had a soft landing and no damage. Good thing I forgot to bother with the beach body diet this year :) A skinny bird would have suffered even more bruises!
So, looking forward to seeing if I can post this while the internet is willing.

Re: Poor Internet

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2024 9:12 pm
by Ninjachica
Oh no, what a nightmare.

I always said i would just walk away if i dropped it. Can't do that if you are underneath it 😆😆

Re: Poor Internet

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2024 11:06 am
by CantCorner
Because I live in the arse-end of the world , we only managed to get proper internet to our house last February. Which, in turn, means it costs me more money with the availability for her online shopping. :-S

Sometimes I just don't think things through . :devil:

Re: Poor Internet

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2024 5:19 am
by bobsnicholson
:D :D :D
I'm on first name terms with our Amazon driver now he's here that bloody often.

Re: Poor Internet

Posted: Thu Jul 04, 2024 7:07 am
by Beelady
I have internet again!
I also have a very expensive new tyre on the Bonneville, so I'll be making a start on wearing the rubber whiskers off it. Choir practice this morning and then a ride round, if it stays dry. I always seem to ride on new tyres in the wet, so I'd like to have a dry run, for once.
It's going much better than it did when I first got it. I think its weekend chasing faster bikes round the Cotswolds did it some good.
I'm on the hunt for a new tent, so I plan to look for some places where I can see the tent I want standing up. The weight and pack size are good but I'd like to see how much space there'll be for wet kit, panniers etc.

I'm busy next week, with my Mum's memorial celebration. It's turned into quite a big thing with over 250 friends and relations due to turn up. She was still a working artist and writer, even at 93 so it's going to be a bit arty and musical.
I have to go and buy a colourful blouse to wear. All my stuff is dark, so it doesn't show the dirt :)
It's really nice to have the internet back. I had no idea that it was so useful!