Busy biking stuff.

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Busy biking stuff.

Post by Beelady »

I can't remember how far I'd got with the latest Street Triple tale of woe. I've been using the Kawasaki most of the time as the Triumph made the most appalling and expensive noise when I tried to start it, back in August, and then only did the odd death rattle afterwards, but my confidence in starting it reached rock bottom and I considered part Xing it for a new 400.
The big day arrived. I'd already put a deposit on a black one and set off to get my first look at my prospective new love. There was a lovely reception committee of Triumph staff and half the East Kent Triumph owners club waiting for me and I was ushered towards the 400. The crowd fell silent as I approached, swiftly followed by a completely different sort of silence as I struggled aboard and found the stupid thing was too tall!!!!
So I booked the Street Triple in at my favourite workshop (which is now a 150 mile round trip away). Phil came to supervise the starting and came with me. It was a miserable day, lashing with rain. Neither of us enjoyed it and the gave me a Street Twin courtesy bike, which I thought could possibly be made to fit me with my adaptations added and I quite enjoyed it to start with.
Skip to the return journey without Phil. Another grim, wet day and I stupidly didn't check the tyres on the loan bike. the handling was awful and no matter how much I faffed with the adjustment on the clutch it still wouldn't work until the lever was almost out and I managed to annoy someone by pulling out in front of him in slow motion. I'm not surprised he was angry. I would have been in his place.
Anyway, despite a couple of adventures (like being physically too weak to unscrew the filler cap) I made it and collected my bike, fixed and with two new Pirelli's to enjoy on a rainy ride home. I made it and decided my dislike for Pirelli's was just silly. They were perfectly good and didn't try any slidey stuff on me.
And the cause of the trouble? Sprag clutch had probably jammed. No damage to be seen, so I got off lightly and I know what to do if it happens again. A nice, new gasket put on when it went back together cured a tiny oil weep, so a bonus there.
So I've been out and about on it. It's SO comfortable and easy to ride. I still love it!
I'm off to the bike show on the 24th, so I might be checking out luggage options and finding out a little more about the Street Twin. You never know. A test ride might not be a bad idea at some point in the future. :)
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Re: Busy biking stuff.

Post by Ninjachica »

You are brave riding in this terrible weather.

I took mine out (in between the showers - i foolishly thought). Ended up riding through a flood. Ed was very cross with me.
My new goretex boots didn't leak. But the bow wave went over my knees, so i got soaked anyway!
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Re: Busy biking stuff.

Post by Beelady »

Yes. I had a bit of that on my way to collect my bike. I was diverted onto the coast road which had several real flooded stretches along it. Everyone was playing nicely until I started across one of the flooded bits. I saw a 4 wheel drive coming at speed and the driver had the biggest smile on his face, just before the deluge hit me on the head and drenched me. I had to stop as I couldn't see a thing and I put both feet down before I realised the water was so deep. I gave it a big handful and went for it, trying not to imagine giant potholes hiding underwater. The bike didn't stop, but it had a bit of a spluttering turn for a moment. Just got away with it.
Street Triples are much better in deep water as the pipes are so high :)
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Re: Busy biking stuff.

Post by Ninjachica »

What a d!ck.

I followed a 4x4 so was able to gauge the depth, but didn't think about pot holes or stones until after.
Ed pointed out that the water is full of crap that gets into the brakes. I didn't think of that either!
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Re: Busy biking stuff.

Post by Beelady »

It floods a lot here! Normally I would have risked the hairpin bend, just out of Rye on the Winchelsea road to stay on the main road if it hadn't been closed and I know the coast road is really rough.
I got lucky though. Just as well as I don't think I could have ridden the beastly thing much further.
It was a joy to see and hear the Striple coming down the hill from the workshop towards me and it was a joy to ride, even with two brand new, whiskery tyres on.

I am going to do a test ride on a Street Twin once spring is here. It was a pretty knackered old thing they lent me and underneath all the negatives I think my next bike might be hiding.
It's heavier, but then my Harley was even more so and that wasn't bad for paddling along to park or turn round.
With my adaptations on, I think it might just do. I think I'll leave the fast action throttle off though. I seemed to be able to manage with the standard set up if I fit some Grip Puppies.

Lots to look forward to next year. :)
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