Very Quiet here.....

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Re: Very Quiet here.....

Post by Ninjachica »

Ive booked nearly a month in Spain for Christmas.

Some working time, but also hols.

Really hoping for some sun when i go back at the end of this month.

Looking forward to the Cocentaina Fira de Tots Sants
Google the images.
3 day medieval fayre. Awesome.
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Re: Very Quiet here.....

Post by Beelady »

A month sounds perfect! I don't mind winter weather so much, now I'm not working, but sun is always something to look forward to.
I've spent so much time riding in the rain over the last couple of weeks that it's hard to believe that the poor weather hasn't been with us for long. I wish I'd had Rukka trousers while I was still commuting all year round.
On my last trip through storm Babette I had to stop in the middle of a flood and put my feet down, as a four wheel drive didn't want to wait his turn and came through towards me at some speed. The deluge of water hit me in the face and I couldn't see. The water was over the tops of my boots. I was not impressed!

Your festivals sound so much more fun than ours. :)
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Re: Very Quiet here.....

Post by Ninjachica »

Glorious wall to wall sunshine. Never seen so much.
Ninja has new tyres
All is good. Except...

Massive forest fire just down the road. Lots of smoke yesterday. And helicopters. Thankfully, wind is blowing the rifht way for us.
Dreadful for the people that have been evacuated.
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Re: Very Quiet here.....

Post by Beelady »

I missed this post. I hope all is well over there and that the fires are out.
Frightening how often it seems to happen.
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Re: Very Quiet here.....

Post by Ninjachica »

It is looking very barren in places. Ed says there has been very little rain for 2 years. Obviously only rains when i book a week off!

Price of olives has soared.

Thankfully, price of wood for the fire hasn't.
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